Feed Your Soul Fitness - You'll feel great when you look back on the past seven days and feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for doing your workouts. Your heart will explode because they took time for you. Very helpful and helpful person. Your mind is happy because…

There's an app for that! Technology offers many possibilities when it comes to monitoring health and fitness. So much so, in fact, that it can seem overwhelming at times. These are my 10 habits for creating health and fitness apps. Application no. 1: MyFitnessPal This food...

Feed Your Soul Fitness

Feed Your Soul Fitness

You've decided you're ready to get your diet on track and want to hire a nutrition coach! congratulations! Hiring a coach is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Over the past decade I have hired coaches in every area of ​​my life. i have...

Motivational Workout Quotes To Inspire Your Gains

Sleep hygiene is one of the most important components of any health and well-being journey. Do you have a sleep hygiene checklist? Weight loss and sleep Of course, when you think about losing weight or feeling good, the first things that come to mind are…

3 Other Ways to Measure Your Body Composition Changes What number are you looking for on the scale? 155? 120? 170? Regardless, chasing the number on the scale can send you into a downward spiral mentally and emotionally. Do you feel...

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